
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Stand up on my own 

There is a sexual de-revolution in the air. The grounds that our parents, oh so long ago, sought to conquer, have lately been lost to the machine that is Catholicism. Although I understand that Catholic education and the very biased principles of the system disallow any opportunity for views that aren't askew (yes, thats rhyme), one would assume that personal safety would outweigh at least a few years of religious belief.

Not so. Recently in religion class a discussion between one student, who we'll refer to as Trailer Park Trash, and our teacher raged. For reasons which, I personally, would rather have remain unknown, TPT directed the argument (or rather lack thereof) in the direction of abortion.

Soon, a Big Book of Laws knocked on the door, and after being thrown back and forth, some guy dressed in a white robe ran in shouting and on fire! Religion - 1. Sensibility - o.

Next was a brief induction into the Disgusting and Unecessary Hall of Fame. Our teacher explained a classic abortion method, namely the one where a shot of saline solution is injected into the womb, at which point the fetus absords the salts, shrivels, dies, (is set on fire!) and finally, is flushed out through the excremental process. Rather than be aborted brutally, 'live and leave' to be born into a world of welfare and lack of love. Parents, often a single one, who do(es)n't want you. That sounds like true love to me.
Days earlier we studied some fundamental principles of humanity/christianity <--(insert further politically "safe" terms to protect religion) to which the undying conclusion remarked "Humans need love". So, abortions cannot equal love, but being born unloved is a roundabout way to equal love. Religion - 2. Sensibility - o.

Following the latest victory for religion 15 was the second method of aborting a fetus. Once again, let's allow Catholicism to explain to procedure.
A vacuum type machine is connected to the vagina, at which point a smaller tube is inserted to suck the fetus from the uterus. Wow. Medical.

On understanding the risks asssociated with abortion, we were instructed that many "body parts" (for lack of a real term) could be "left behind" (again, see previous) during any of the aborting operations. Clearly, the only sure-fire method of abortion is abstinence. Kids are too young to be considering intercourse anyways, it's better to have them bottle up their hormones, and leave them with an unimaginable amount of pubic hair, large saggy breasts, and the inability to concentrate at any given time. While we're on the subject, did you know masterbation is one of the 10 001 moral sins? Religion - 3. Sensibility - o.

With religion at the helm, who knows where it'll go?

I feel confident that the advancement of medicine is intricately intertwined with current religious beliefs, and that the latest will always be provided for me. Thanks Catholicism!

The shackles that bind our education system are leading to the de-revolution of sexual openess.

AND here's something funny I had saved here way back on February the 23rd.

traces of lipstick on my collar says:
its like bloodletting

traces of lipstick on my collar says:
it doesnt work, but for years people thought it would cure disease

traces of lipstick on my collar says:
but in the end, you well, i dont know where i was going with this

traces of lipstick on my collar says:
but you die

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