
Monday, August 25, 2003

A day in the life 

And then it hit, a pain in the throat which could only mean one thing : your sick, sucker! And how bad it is, yet true, kids get sick in the summer. But after all doesn't that happen to other people? Unfortunately, everyone has to do there part in playing the role of "other people". I like to think I'm pinch hitting, and taking one for the team. It's a dirty job, but someones gotta do it. Although, the problem still stands : the imune system blows. Out of all the 16 (or is it 17?) systems the human - (god bless) body has, old imune here is about to take a beating. Interesting point : travellers to Mexico can not drink the local water, but locals can. Now that's a system! Anyways, back to reality with the next point, sick students never have much of a chance at staying home no matter how black their lung may be. Yet summer, as excellent as it may be, pitchs us a problem : Why must our shitty system take away from our enjoyment of vacation? My solution : the time bank. Ah yes, although it may seem farfetched now, soon it shall be in the homes of all Americans (kind of like that microwave fad but without all the radiation). The general idea is as follows; any moment a student feels the least bit faint during summer vacation (hell, let's say during the school year and weekends too), he or she, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, political status, employment, boxers/briefs, etc., may allot the time of illness and use it to freely avoid school during the next few years. An overdose and a shot from the 151 proof bottle is all your parents will need, feel free to try this one out at home, kids!

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