
Sunday, September 07, 2003


Notice to all you girls out there who just can't resist having your "bffl"* solve your boy problems for you : you're not doing the right thing.

Let's take a moment here and point out that girls are always requesting that their friend ask the boy they like questions about themselves. Of course, these friends are not the type to intervene and argue that, if their friend could simply approach the guy themselves, his respect for her might just not dissapear. All my life I've had trouble deciding why girls are so happy to have everyone else, but not the only person who matters (for those of you who are lost : I'm talking about the guy they like), fully aware of their crush. Try being honest, but hypothetically, and believe me, this happens, the girl is just too shy to come right out and admit these feelings that will be gone two months from now. Then perhaps the right way to go may be to consider your other options. And no, I'm not talking about having your friend go talk for you.

Female Rights Activists Got You This Far, Why Become A Hypocrite Now?

Do yourself and everyone around you a favor, keep it to yourself until your moment comes. Oh and don't worry about not getting to voice your opinions, because this moment I've spoke about will come. Yet believe me, there is nothing more convincing than a shrill female telling the world/their crush/their friends/their food, its many flaws. Even more convincing is to have someone represent you and change the things that you have said for what they think is the better, and then having to go to all the trouble of getting pissed off at them for making that mistake. Why is it that everyone is just out to make more problems for themselves? Wouldn't it just be easier to keep your problems between those people that are directly affected as opposed to losing an argument before you even open your mouth?

*For those of us who haven't yet had the opportunity to learn this great term, I threw up when told it is an acronym for "best friends for life".

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