
Thursday, December 11, 2003

Nice hair dumbass 

Blondes who think they can blame their stupidity on being blonde.


Reread it.

Don't you just want to crawl into a corner and die.

I know I do.

God do I ever hate blondes who say shit like, "Oh! Blonde moment!" NO SHIT
Your whole life is a blonde moment, everyone around you can see that, so why do you insist on making it even more public? Oh and let's take a moment to wonder why blondes are making email adresses like "blondecutie69". Please. People, being blonde has nothing to do with anything. It's your hair color and contrary to popular belief, it's not about to get you more guys than any other girl. And if your cleverly adding "underscores" for absolutely no reason, and you're intentionally mispelling words in order to look kool, it's time that you return to the sixth grade.

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