
Sunday, January 25, 2004

Beware... The Lair of Confusion Retaliates! 

In a largish nutshell, Rob, from the Lair of Confusion, decided it would be juvenile to post a retaliation to our signing of his guestbook. (Note : he had a total of 4 entries - including ours).

Rob's retaliation is pretty simplistic. It labels him as left-wing extremist bent on ruining our beautiful free society. Note to Rob : nowhere do you actually state this, but instead we decided to draw a ridiculous conclusion. (See - your style of writing).

We here at politics would like to give you a hand, Sir Rob. After revealing vegemite's dynamic IP, from behind their firewall, which will mask their real IP anyways, you've accomplished a lot. Or do you not think that any i-d-i-o-t can learn how to use Symantec software? I guess what you probably were hoping to do by posting a hotmail address on your site was to have the poor kid email you back saying shit like, "Oh Great One, how could I have been so naif? You are truly a literary master and I am but a nobody". Good work, because contrary to your midnight fantasies, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush aren't about to polish your asshole. Or if you're somebody who wants to look cool in the eyes of the younger generation you might use a word like... say... i don't know... Corn Chute?

I like how you thought that by revealing an IP, you would send us packing. But did it ever occur to you that by revealing yourself in a topless picture, your underground male porn ring might be busted?

This brings me to our next problem. Why is it that if I had a complaint with your site, I would need to ask for "Heywood Jablowmi"? You lost me, Rob. As much as I love giving great feedback on your site : You lost me.
Why would I ask you for head if I didn't like your site? You already made it clear that you find no fault in anal sex, but you just insisted on taking it one step further, didn't you? Asking for oral sex online, and obviously, it was a good idea at the time because clearly any i-d-i-o-t can see that nobody would like your site. So tell me, how does this lead to performing oral sex on your visitors?

I would have emailed this to you, but I fear you're familiar with learning how to track somebody's messages through hotmail, which would, in turn, lead to a fake IP.

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