Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Unhumerous broken Heart
This just in!
Between singing opera as an "AMERICAN CITIZEN" and scratching his mild case of hemorrhoids everybodys favorite member of the O'Carreigh clan routinely takes a break from the hardships of searching maddox's site to break for internet porn.
Please, let me explain. You see, I was talking with the guy online and decided it was probably necessary to screw with him. So I took a classic approach with a new twist. I asked him if he thought it would be OK with him if I started posting a "porno of the day" on the page. Carr was baffled as to why I would want to do such a thing so i pitched him something along the lines of "I think we should take an edgier approach". His response was abrupt, "Dude, the girl I like reads this site!" To which I replied, "Really, me too. But Courtney would probably just laugh". (And no, fuck that, I'm not willing to try it out to see what might happen, she means to much to me, Carr). Kudos to Carr for looking out for his girl. Strip Carr of that kudos for then saying that if there were a small picture on the site - I told him "small" would be "mayb about 700 x 500" - we'd be implying that "we" masterbate to internet porn.
Gee bud, I'm not so sure about you, but with that having been said, maybe the girl you like will remain a frequent visitor to politics?
I too have a monitor confessional to make Carr. By following a few simple steps on blogpoll the HTML is Provided For You.
Anyhow, send some mail our way, because we do have a full 2MB of storage. No, I did not spring for the chance to have the full 20. Hotmail is free, free is hotmail, free is also Aidan.
Between singing opera as an "AMERICAN CITIZEN" and scratching his mild case of hemorrhoids everybodys favorite member of the O'Carreigh clan routinely takes a break from the hardships of searching maddox's site to break for internet porn.
Please, let me explain. You see, I was talking with the guy online and decided it was probably necessary to screw with him. So I took a classic approach with a new twist. I asked him if he thought it would be OK with him if I started posting a "porno of the day" on the page. Carr was baffled as to why I would want to do such a thing so i pitched him something along the lines of "I think we should take an edgier approach". His response was abrupt, "Dude, the girl I like reads this site!" To which I replied, "Really, me too. But Courtney would probably just laugh". (And no, fuck that, I'm not willing to try it out to see what might happen, she means to much to me, Carr). Kudos to Carr for looking out for his girl. Strip Carr of that kudos for then saying that if there were a small picture on the site - I told him "small" would be "mayb about 700 x 500" - we'd be implying that "we" masterbate to internet porn.
Gee bud, I'm not so sure about you, but with that having been said, maybe the girl you like will remain a frequent visitor to politics?
I too have a monitor confessional to make Carr. By following a few simple steps on blogpoll the HTML is Provided For You.
Anyhow, send some mail our way, because we do have a full 2MB of storage. No, I did not spring for the chance to have the full 20. Hotmail is free, free is hotmail, free is also Aidan.