Sunday, April 04, 2004
Kramer Reality Tour!
Well, a few moments ago I stumbled across the likes of an idiot. Here, you will find possibly the most satirical and moronic joke ever to appear and surround the Seinfeld name.
What the "Real" Kramer has done is rent a bus and run a tour of the show sporting attractions where the Seinfeld show was filmed in order to recreate a bland re-representation of Cosmo Kramer's life.
Sound Familiar?
Ironically enough, I watched the very episode where Kramer runs the "Real Peterman Reality Tour" last night around midnight. How fateful it was to stumble across this page while I innocently typed "KraMixer" into the google search bar. Appropriate is this quote, taken from Kenny Kramer's (auto?)biography on his site. Seinfeld even did an episode spoofing Kenny's tour when Cosmo Kramer started The Peterman's Reality Tour in "The Muffin Top" episode.
Also, be sure to drop by this page where Kramer well, well just look at the site. You will not believe your eyes. (Also read through his stand on drug trading in NYC, it dissapoints).
And I'll leave you with this bit of humor before we return to hell tomorrow...
What the "Real" Kramer has done is rent a bus and run a tour of the show sporting attractions where the Seinfeld show was filmed in order to recreate a bland re-representation of Cosmo Kramer's life.
Sound Familiar?
Ironically enough, I watched the very episode where Kramer runs the "Real Peterman Reality Tour" last night around midnight. How fateful it was to stumble across this page while I innocently typed "KraMixer" into the google search bar. Appropriate is this quote, taken from Kenny Kramer's (auto?)biography on his site. Seinfeld even did an episode spoofing Kenny's tour when Cosmo Kramer started The Peterman's Reality Tour in "The Muffin Top" episode.
Also, be sure to drop by this page where Kramer well, well just look at the site. You will not believe your eyes. (Also read through his stand on drug trading in NYC, it dissapoints).
And I'll leave you with this bit of humor before we return to hell tomorrow...