
Monday, September 06, 2004

And so, as I stew in the steamy stagnation of, wait, I don't know what those words mean... 

So then it occured to me. My life would be nothing without meat...

Meat Puppets has just signed in.

drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
ahahaha are those like edible puppets made out of meat?
Meat Puppets says:
they sure are
Meat Puppets says:
and its a band
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
dyou play with them and then like take a bite out of the lamb's head
Meat Puppets says:
Meat Puppets says:
the best meat is in the rumop
Meat Puppets says:
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
do you have any tofu puppets just for those non-meat pansies?
Meat Puppets says:
Meat Puppets says:
Meat Puppets says:
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
thank god
Meat Puppets says:
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
man, i cant stand people who dont want to fill their body with animal by-products and fertilizers that are commonly found in meat
drinkin' shitty liquor, talkin' like a city slicker, just a day in the life says:
Meat Puppets says:
Meat Puppets says:
what a bunch of facists

Oh man. Just imagine it now... A world without meat.

People would be healthy. We would have learned to survive without needlessly harming other creatures. (Review : Mostly what I mean here is that meat is awesome so generally speaking humans will fight other humans for their, for example, steak). Without an unprecedented desire to satisfy the thirst that is meat, animals would no longer run like cowards at the sound of a slaughter house. Which, while were on the subject, have been known to help more animals than they've injured. It's not like a series of metal knives, grates, rapiers, strainers, and eye-gougers ever injured a cow on the way to my plate. The most harm any animal sustains in the life process is the piercing of my fork into it's delicious meat as it makes it's way to my mouth.
And even then, it's already dead.


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